Saturday, September 10, 2011

Making money with Google Adwords

Adwords has changed a lot over the years I noticed. I have not used Adwords in years, so I thought I’d log in and see what’s different. Wow things have really tightened up, haven’t they? Years ago I could advertise just about any link; today it is much harder as Google has cleaned up their policies a bit.

Now you must have unique content to give the visitor an online experience, you cannot have affiliate links on the site; this is classed as a bridge page. There are ways around this, but for the beginner, this can be a nightmare!

Your best bet is to create a landing page about the product of choice. Explain the product well on your site, so the visitor has the information they need to make the final decision whether to purchase or not.

With the links, you can link directly to the Clickbank order form instead of the merchant’s home page. I suggest you contact the merchant first and let them know your want to link this way, most are fine with this. This method can help you get your site passed the bridge page policy.

Remember if you do this, you must have good information about the product on your landing page. No one will buy if you have low quality content and then a direct link to a payment page. Don’t copy the merchant’s content, make up your own.

Adwords will let your site link to the merchant’s site if their own site passes the landing page policies. Yep, they check that too! So if the merchant is not within the policies, your site will be disapproved.

So Adwords has really pulled their socks up. You need to have some knowledge before starting your campaign; otherwise you will be suspended before you even begin!

Some say Adwords sucks now, well in a way it does for affiliates. Although I can see their point, this approach stops all the spam and low quality affiliate sites saturating the net. Visitors will now find the information useful, and not view hundreds of affiliate sites with no valuable information.

I’m sure Adwords will continue to upgrade its policy terms, we just need to keep up!

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